Hi Mom!
The spine tingling adventures through Skillsaw's recent mega WAD Valiant continue! I'm going to try something a little different with this update, so bear with me.
MAP03 - Tiers of Pain
Window, by Stewboy
Hi Mom, it's me, Doomguy. I'm writing to you from a hotel room a few miles outside of Hell. I know you were worried about me making it through that run down base, but I made it safe and sound. I took a few photos along the way, and have attached them and a few notes about my day yesterday. I hope this letter finds you well. I know you're busy these days killing demons yourself, but, well... I haven't heard from you in a while and just hope you're doing okay!
So, when I showed up to this map I was stuck in a cage! It was kind of scary, I'd never been locked up before. The weird button didn't do anything when I pressed it, so I had to shoot it.
But that alerted all the monsters to my presence. I know we talked about 'playing it safe' and 'not waking up the monsters unless I really really REALLY have to,' but I didn't have a choice here. At least there were these health orbs to give me an idea of where to go next. And some armor!
It was really hectic here, I had to keep on the move to avoid getting shot up. Mom, did you ever figure out why imps are hostile to humans? I mean, sure, they're demons, but there are nice demons, aren't there? I don't think I've personally seen any nice demons but there are probably a few.
I don't know about you, but finding the regular shotgun always fills me with joy. Also I think red key doors are my least favorite. If I had to rank them I'd say Yellow > Blue > Red. What do you think?
I forgot to get a picture, but I found a berserk pack. That's 3 for 3 so far on these maps. Punching demons is fun, but I just resorted to the shotgun. You always told me to be safe with berserking.
Hahaha wheee! I love the rocket launcher!
Mom. Double barreled shotgun. Mom. It's so strong, Mom! I didn't even realize this thing existed! Scratch what I said about being overjoyed with the regular shotgun. This thing is way better!
It's been awhile since we last spoke, but I was wondering if you had seen any switches like this one. It's like that first switch at the start of the map, I had to shoot it to get it to do anything. But I'm not even sure what it did!
Ugh, one of these places where I have to drop down into the unknown. Wouldn't be a big problem if I could look down. I gotta get this neck brace off. Mom am I still covered under your healthcare? Please let me know ASAP.
I decided to go the other way instead of into that mystery pit. This pistol is really nice, by the way. Thanks for sending it to me. Way better than the old UAC standard pistol.
Haha, I always thought cacodemons looked like flying tomatoes. Haha! Oh yeah, there's another one of those shooty switches. Still have no clue what they do...
Hmm. Soulspheres are really useful. I couldn't climb up there, though. Just grabbed the blue key, and, hey! There's the red key. I don't actually know where I can use the blue key...
Yikes! Imp invasion! Picking up the blue key made all these jerks teleport in. I don't know if you can see it, but there's a secret Soulsphere back behind the imps. I guess this is what those shooty switches did?
It was really hectic here, I had to keep on the move to avoid getting shot up. Mom, did you ever figure out why imps are hostile to humans? I mean, sure, they're demons, but there are nice demons, aren't there? I don't think I've personally seen any nice demons but there are probably a few.
I don't know about you, but finding the regular shotgun always fills me with joy. Also I think red key doors are my least favorite. If I had to rank them I'd say Yellow > Blue > Red. What do you think?
I forgot to get a picture, but I found a berserk pack. That's 3 for 3 so far on these maps. Punching demons is fun, but I just resorted to the shotgun. You always told me to be safe with berserking.
Hahaha wheee! I love the rocket launcher!
Mom. Double barreled shotgun. Mom. It's so strong, Mom! I didn't even realize this thing existed! Scratch what I said about being overjoyed with the regular shotgun. This thing is way better!
It's been awhile since we last spoke, but I was wondering if you had seen any switches like this one. It's like that first switch at the start of the map, I had to shoot it to get it to do anything. But I'm not even sure what it did!
Ugh, one of these places where I have to drop down into the unknown. Wouldn't be a big problem if I could look down. I gotta get this neck brace off. Mom am I still covered under your healthcare? Please let me know ASAP.
I decided to go the other way instead of into that mystery pit. This pistol is really nice, by the way. Thanks for sending it to me. Way better than the old UAC standard pistol.
Haha, I always thought cacodemons looked like flying tomatoes. Haha! Oh yeah, there's another one of those shooty switches. Still have no clue what they do...
Hmm. Soulspheres are really useful. I couldn't climb up there, though. Just grabbed the blue key, and, hey! There's the red key. I don't actually know where I can use the blue key...
Yikes! Imp invasion! Picking up the blue key made all these jerks teleport in. I don't know if you can see it, but there's a secret Soulsphere back behind the imps. I guess this is what those shooty switches did?
I also made a few mancubi teleport in, but they're not a problem anymore. Remember that time when I was a teenager I got burnt real bad by a mancubus fireball and came running home to you? You weren't home so you probably don't remember... It was fine anyways, I knew where we kept the Medkits. But that taught me a lesson!
Still no red key... I guess I'm gonna have to fall down that shaft...
Haha, I was worried for nothing! The only thing down there was the red key. Naturally this made s'more imps show up. I love mowing down a nice horde of imps, but I wish I didn't have to... Why can't we just be friends, imps?
Well, as I was making my way up to the red key door I got shot a few times by some stupid monsters that appeared out of nowhere. But I did find a hidden switch that let me access this Soulsphere! Lovely.
And what do you know, behind the red key door was the blue key door. And behind that: the eXit! Hah, see what I did there? Cause the exit teleporter has a big red X? Haha, I'm glad I had this red pen!
I wasn't sure where the last secret was... I wonder what was hidden in it? Ooh, maybe it was a plasma rifle! Or some surplus ammo! But... I didn't find it. Oh well. Maybe next time!
That's gonna be all for this letter. Please send me a postcard from wherever you are, I'd love to hear from you! It's been a while so, you know, I'm kinda worried about you Mom. I'm sure you're fine though. Keep slaying those demons!
~Love, Doomguyson